Posted Sunday, June 10, 2018 09:08 AM

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Leatrice Rabinsky last week. I was fortunate to be at Wiley when Dr. Rabinsky started as a student teacher. She was on the faculty at Heights after we left. She developed  the curiculum for the study of Holocaust literature and taught thousands of students - children and adults - about that dark chapter of human history. She took hundreds of students and adults on "The Journey of Conscience" to view sites in Europe related to the Holocuast.

My most vivid memory of her, though, is from Wiley. You may recall that about halfway into the semester, teachers would send home Progress Reports if you were  not "performing up to your potential", or whatever the euphamism was at the time for screwing up in class. I was more than a little worried, as were a number of my classmates, when we learned that we were getting Progress Reports. Dr. Rabinsky decided that she would send reports to parents for good work, as well as substandard work.

She was more than a teacher - she was an educator.