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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
26 live in Arizona
54 live in California
16 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
54 live in Florida
10 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
16 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Maine
14 live in Maryland
15 live in Massachusetts
7 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
2 live in Nevada
3 live in New Hampshire
6 live in New Jersey
3 live in New Mexico
15 live in New York
7 live in North Carolina
349 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
10 live in Oregon
8 live in Pennsylvania
5 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
13 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
11 live in Virginia
6 live in Washington
2 live in West Virginia
6 live in Wisconsin
2 live in British Columbia
4 live in Ontario
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Australia
2 live in Israel
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Pakistan
1 lives in United Kingdom
213 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Cleveland Heights High Class of 1968 website. 

If you have not already done so, please join the website by clicking on your name on the "Classmate Profiles" link


Thank you to all who attended our 55th celebrations.

It was a great weekend!! 

We will have a 75th birthday party in 2025

if there is enough interest.